Phuoc Long: People voluntarily surrendered a pig-tailed macaque

Saturday - 07/09/2024 10:03 61 0
On May 2, 2024, the Inter-district Forest Protection Department, Bu Gia Map Town - Phuoc Long coordinated with the Center for Propaganda, Tourism and Conservation Rescue under the Bu Gia Map National Park Management Board to receive 01 pig-tailed macaque
The pig-tailed macaque has the scientific name: Macaca Leonina, gender: Male; weighs 7kg, belongs to the endangered, precious, rare forest animal species group IIB. According to the provisions of Decree No. 06/2019/ND-CP dated January 22, 2019 of the Government on the management of endangered, precious, rare forest plants and animals and the implementation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; amended and supplemented in Decree No. 84/2021/ND-CP by Mr. Nguyen Kinh Sinh, residing in Quarter 5, Long Phuoc Ward, Phuoc Long Town, Binh Phuoc, voluntarily surrendered.
Through information exchange, Mr. Sinh said that the above Pig-tailed Monkey has been raised by his family since he was a child, but recently he realized that this Pig-tailed Monkey is very aggressive and can be dangerous to people around, so he contacted and voluntarily surrendered it to the Inter-district Forest Protection Department, Bu Gia Map Town to release it back into the natural forest according to regulations.
After being received, the Pig-tailed Monkey will be cared for, rescued, and restored to its wild habits by the Center for Propaganda, Tourism and Rescue under the Management Board of Bu Gia Map National Park and will complete procedures for public ownership before being released back into the natural forest.
Mr. Nguyen Kinh Sinh's voluntary handover of rare and endangered wild animals is commendable and thereby contributes to the protection of wildlife in the area./.

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