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*Hỗ trợ, tư vấn TTHC, dịch vụ công: 0271.1022
*Ứng cứu sự cố an ninh thông tin mạng trên địa bàn tỉnh: 0844.68.93.93
*Hỗ trợ, giải đáp chính sách thuế: 02713.879.193, 02713.888.891
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banner giữa 1
ntroducing the spring flower market event "On the wharf, under the boat" for Tet At Ty 2025.

ntroducing the spring flower market event "On the wharf, under the boat" for Tet At Ty 2025.

  •   07/09/2024 03:56
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On September 6, 2024, the Working Group of District 8 (Ho Chi Minh City) led by Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Hoa, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee, came to inform and introduce the participation in the spring flower market event "On the wharf, under the boat" for Tet At Ty 2025.
nông thôn mới 1

Chairman of Binh Phuoc Provincial People's Committee approved the estimate for purchasing gasoline for new rural construction phase 1 in 2024

  •   07/09/2024 09:53
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On September 4, 2024, Chairman of Binh Phuoc Provincial People's Committee Tran Tue Hien issued a decision approving the estimate for purchasing gasoline to focus on implementing the special mechanism in the National Target Program on New Rural Construction phase 1 in 2024.
Effectiveness of organic pepper cultivation - a sustainable direction for farmers in Binh Phuoc.

Effectiveness of organic pepper cultivation - a sustainable direction for farmers in Binh Phuoc.

  •   07/09/2024 09:58
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Pepper has long been an important crop in Vietnam's agricultural economy. However, the excessive use of chemicals in traditional pepper cultivation is leading to many consequences for the environment and human health. To solve this problem, organic pepper cultivation is being applied by many farmers as a sustainable solution for the future.
Phuoc Long: People voluntarily surrendered a pig-tailed macaque

Phuoc Long: People voluntarily surrendered a pig-tailed macaque

  •   07/09/2024 10:03
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On May 2, 2024, the Inter-district Forest Protection Department, Bu Gia Map Town - Phuoc Long coordinated with the Center for Propaganda, Tourism and Conservation Rescue under the Bu Gia Map National Park Management Board to receive 01 pig-tailed macaque
Land Law 2024 opens up directions for agricultural and rural tourism development

Land Law 2024 opens up directions for agricultural and rural tourism development

  •   07/09/2024 10:06
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The Land Law 2024, which took effect on August 1, has removed many bottlenecks, opening up directions for agricultural and rural tourism development in the coming time.
Strengthening the work of ensuring network information security

Strengthening the work of ensuring network information security

  •   07/09/2024 10:09
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The time of the 79th National Day of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (September 2, 1945 - September 2, 2024) is a sensitive time for hostile, reactionary forces and hackers to take advantage of to increase cyber attacks to sabotage and oppose the Party and the State. In particular, recently, a number of information systems of agencies, organizations and enterprises in Vietnam have been seriously damaged by cyber attacks. In order to avoid being passive and surprised in any situation, agencies, organizations and enterprises have implemented a number of measures.
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